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World leader in today's Leadership training.

BE A BETTER YOU!!!!!!!!!!!


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Recognizing and becoming a great leader will determine your ability to increase your bottom line. Learn to be a better you, Build a better team, Communicate with greatness, You can make a difference, Learn to increase ROI,

Who is this for: Anyone that affects a profit stream. Owners, Presidents, Operations managers, Department managers and up-and coming leaders.

Be A Better You


- How to be a great leader.
- What does it take to be a leader.
- How to be an irresistible leader.
- The difference between Leading and Managing.
- The attributes of a real leader.
- 9 Characteristics of a great leader.
- How do you affect leadership in a positive and negative manor
- The leadership role.
- Decision-making and giving directions.
- Resistance and barriers to change.
- A please and thank you can go a long way.
- How does Courage affect your leadership abilities.
- The management ego: How large is yours?
- How to discipline with dignity and respect
- Leadership perception
- An honest look at your self-worth
- Why do we hire the people we do.
- Do you avoid conflict?
- Peer conflict resolution. Friend or Foe
- What do you see!!!
- Walk the walk talk the talk
- Learning to play the game
- How to build a team
- How to motivate yourself and others
- How to be a business owner
- How to run your area as if you owned a company
- What does a Business owner look and act like.
- A real salesperson never sells!
- How to Sell, Sell Sell, not only yourself but your team


Richard E McDowell


Richard E McDowell

As an internationally recognized expert, Speaker, author, and coach, recognized as a leader in today's leadership, management, and sales techniques and training. Speaker McDowell has spent 20-plus years in the corporate world and additionally 16 years working with over 5,000 clients, and leadership groups. (Teaching 30 Different leadership subjects) One thing is certain - Speaker McDowell's message is direct, understood, and clear. Coach McDowell is engaging and uses real-life situations that are relatable to the audience. Coach McDowell's story is amazing, inspirational, and a must hear. Coach McDowell feels everyone has a story, and learning to know and tell one's own will give anyone an edge over the rest - to become a better leader, increase sales and improve quality of life. Booking time with Coach McDowell will be a fantastic investment, not only for yourself but your staff as well. Coach McDowell's experience goes well beyond the classroom, to helping real people in real-life situations understand how they affect their business and personal life in both positive and negative ways. Coach McDowell wrote his first book "Behind Your Boss's Door" in 2011 which is to the point and relatable to everyone. The things you will learn from Coach McDowell's engagement are leadership skills, people management, and sales techniques. Coach McDowell not only spent 20-plus years in the corporate world but was also a College professor (management, leadership), a certified master teacher of teachers, and has worked with over 5,000 business owners and their key leadership staff. To this day speaker McDowell continues to sharpen his skills by promoting interactive training online or in person with a focus on leadership, operations, and increase sales. Coach McDowell is excited to work with you.

Grandmaster Richard E McDowell

As 8th degree certified GM, McDowell wanted to create an opportunity for students everywhere to learn the values that martial arts bring to students. With over 56 years of experience, GM McDowell has made a difference in the lives of many students throughout the country by teaching them discipline, focus, and self-confidence. GM McDowell believes that the benefits of martial arts are too important to be set aside because our everyday schedules are so busy. GM McDowell realizes how difficult it is to find the time to commit to a rigid schedule that forces you to travel to a physical location two or three times a week. GM McDowell wants to share his 56 years of experience with a wide range of people from a busy mother with several children in multiple sports who doesn’t have the time to go to a martial arts center; to a businessperson who is always traveling or on the go; or people who have always wanted to learn about the martial arts but don’t feel comfortable going to a martial arts center in a group setting. “People often decide to learn martial arts for many reasons. Some want the physical and mental benefits the martial arts provide, and some have circumstances that create a need for martial arts. But many quit just as quick as they join.” In 1965 Grandmaster McDowell's mother was walking home from her job as a nurse when she was chased home by a would-be attacker, she convinced her husband Richard McDowell Sr. to sign her up for a self-defense class at a local Korean Karate school offering Jujitsu and Korean Karate where she trained and became a highly regarded jujitsu instructor one of the first women Black belts in Jujitsu. Richard Sr. liked what he saw and joined the Korean Karate class at the same location under the instruction of Grand Master Hwa Chung. Richard Sr. brought his then 5 years old son along. GM McDowell attended every class with his father, watching and mimicking what he saw. When GM McDowell was 6 years old Grand Master Hwa Chung pulled him into class, and his career in martial arts began. At age 9 GM McDowell achieved his 1st Degree black Belt in 1968 and won his first National and championship in Chicago, Illinois . GM McDowell went on to win many more National and International Championships. GM McDowell was featured in local and national publications. Besides his marriage and birth of his children and grandchildren, one of GM McDowell's greatest accomplishments was his induction into the Martial Arts Hall of Fame in 1996, the recipient of the lifetime achievement award and 2022 Grandmasters Award, and has coached two jr. Olympic medal winners. GM Mcdowell was a former Criminal justice instructor (Tactical defense) Special tactical instructor and a certified expert witness for the judicial court systems. GM McDowell has taken an advanced concept to martial arts education and training filling the needs of all students rather they are current, past, or new to the arts, and allowing them to experience the positive results of training through, Training 1 on 1, a solution for the busy individual, by giving them the knowledge and tools to learn martial arts from your home, office, when you travel or even on vacation. With the advanced technology and teaching formats, you'll learn the entire spectrum of martial arts from beginning to advanced techniques from the comfort of your home. While receiving national and international accreditation. GM McDowell has had many accomplishments in his time from martial arts to business, to being a published author. GM McDowell is proud to bring you a unique learning opportunity and is looking forward to training with you.  


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